
Cuddle Up Books

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Do you have an children’s picture book you’d like us to consider for a review? 

Not a published author yet, but you’re working on it? 

Either way, let us help!

Want to Submit Your Book for a Cuddle Up Book Review?

We will review self-published or indie-published children’s picture books that are available on Amazon.

Send us the link if it's on Kindle Unlimited, or a PDF or physical copy. If you want to send a physical book to be reviewed, please send it to:

P.O. Box 292301, Nashville TN, 37229
(But please fill out the form and let us know it’s coming!)

We only review books we love, so no worries that we’ll leave a bad review!

For books we like, we'll review as many as we can on Amazon. Books we love will be considerd for the CUB website.

Want to Publish Your Own Book?

After the writing is done, you'll find there are many steps to publishing your own book--illustrations, laying out the book, formatting it, and much more.

Don't get bogged down with the "what the heck do I do next" phase of publishing. YesBear Publishing can do some of the work for you!

We've published dozens of clients' books, and quite a few of our own too. Let the experts help!

Click below to learn more, and get your free consultation!