I loved this book! I don’t speak French, so this book taught me a few phrases, and is perfect for a child who likes to hear other languages or wants to learn a few words. Mostly, however, this book is perfect for a child who feels different because they speak another language, and their friends may not understand. OR a child who has friends who speak two languages and needs clarification on the “why” behind the second language.
The story is a child’s day from morning till night (winding down for bedtime is at the end – something that makes this a perfect bedtime or naptime story), as they go through the day speaking two languages with both mommy and daddy, English and French.
The child’s school includes children from multiple nationalities, ethnicities and includes children with special needs – one with a hearing aid and another in a wheelchair. I love this kind of diversity and inclusiveness in the story, as it is very representative of real life. It also demonstrates: sharing, friendship, family, chores, bedtime.
The illustrations are beautifully done! I really love this book!