
Cuddle Up Books

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Chunk-A-Monk, The Big Black Skunk by Michael Passafiume

This book was such a nice read. The language in it is simple, the pictures are adorable, and the story is so relevant to children. The story and the way it is presented really capture what it is like to be different. I think that this book is good for all children, whether they feel like they themselves are different, or they see differences in others. There’s a lesson to be learned on both sides.

One of the things I loved about this story was that Splitter was different from the other skunks not only in color, but in size. Because of the different rate at which kids grow, I think this story can really make a difference in how children feel when a classmate, or they themselves are a different size than their classmates. 

This book also sets a good example in the way Splitter immediately told his parents when he was being bullied. Too many kids are afraid to reveal when they are being bullied at school and it is so important to tell an adult what is happening.

The ending of this book is so heartwarming. Not only did Splitter stop being bullied, but it sends the message that differences should be celebrated, because everyone’s differences can be good in their own way, just like Splitter’s size helped him when the ball was stuck in the tree.

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