Alma Louise Wears a Cape is an adorable book written in sing-song rhyme. Beautifully illustrated in pastel watercolor style, the plot features a little girl, Alma Louise, who has a cape for every occasion. From a special cape for brushing teeth or playing checkers, her capes bring her great joy and happiness.
One day Alma Louise encounters a “grumpy-grump,” Mr. Div Neelton, who tells her she has too many capes. She is “flabbergasted.” (The BIG word that is in this book.) When she challenges Mr. Neelton to try a cape himself, she finds that it changes him – as he begins to smile.
Alma Louise is my new best friend! Although it is not a chapter book, the character has the feel of Amelia Bedelia or Ramona the Pest, with a loveable person who is blissfully happy and wants to share her joy with all!
Alma Louise is a book series and so far, there are nine story books and two activity books. Melissa Smith Turner has done a great job of bringing this character to life. She has also begun a new series with Hurley McCoy, Basketball Dribbler. You can see them all on her Amazon Author Page.